
Brand Storytelling

PantameraHumor, created in 2018, is our collaboration with Pantamera, producing content for their digital platforms. With a comedy editorial board, PantameraHumor works on scriptwriting and production. Since summer 2018, we have consistently published digital content in various formats 1-5 times a week.

Recognizing that the target group (16-24 year-olds) rarely watches traditional TV, we developed #pantamerahumor in partnership with relevant influencers. With creative freedom and a code of conduct, the directors crafted scripts while planning the recording process. Our production follows the principles of small teams, minimal technology, and ample recording time.

For the laughs go here: PantameraHumor’s instagram page and TikTok.

We won the 100W Long-Term award:


Director Producer
Linus Nordström & Martin Jenefeldt Pelle Ohrgren