
Brand Storytelling

Colart is the world’s largest manufacturer of artist colors and related products. Under its umbrella, they have a large number of well-known brands that trace their origins back to the early 1700s. This impressive history forms the cornerstone of a unique brand heritage. The portfolio includes three of the world’s top six ranked artist color brands. Colart reached out to Storyfire for assistance in transitioning their brand from analog to digital.

Our campaign was born out of the idea of creating personal portraits (in the form of short films) of various artists using Colart’s products. Each film takes place in the artist’s world, such as a studio, workshop, or workplace, where we get to hear personal stories and life experiences. So far, we have produced two seasons, and a third one is in the planning phase. Watch all of Colart’s personal portraits: Watch here

Reach per post: 16 561

Views: 43 252

Reactions: 180

View – Artist stories

Kelly Anna: 16 000

Graeme Black: 8 744

Gordon Cheung: 9 152

Stewart Parvin: 9 356

Director Producer
Linus Nordström Christofer Vibenius